Dear Members:
As announced in my letter from October 26th, and as expressed during the last AGM past November 20th , at the last Board Meeting held yesterday November 27th , The Board with the assistance of all its members ,unanimously approved to extend the number of members for the Electoral Committee with the specific tasks of revising the existing By Laws, Internal Rules and Regulation and specially the development of an Electoral Rules.
The board has tried to consider the suggestions of some members to use and improve earlier rules. For this, the Club’s secretary, Patricia Jiménez, and myself have reviewed the minutes of the board meetings and found that no electoral rules were documented or even mentioned in any of them by any previous administration.
The Committee will be formed by:
- Mrs. Patricia Jiménez
- Mr. Ciaran Burke
- Mr. Christer Palm
- Mr. Daniel Musson
- Mr. George Novelli.
Once these document, By Laws and Electoral and Internal Rules & Regulations are drafted, and approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting, and after the final approval from the Legal Advisory of the Sports and Tourism Council of the Junta de Andalucía, we , as a Board will consider that our term would have finished , and consequently we will call for Elections.
We would like to thank Christer , Daniel and George, for their collaboration.
Yours sincerely
Juan Ramón Martínez Landazábal
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